Sunday, February 27, 2011

5. Symbolic nature of light:


Worldwide, light is one of the oldest and most significant symbols. Many religious paintings disclose rich symbolism in their use of light. Gerrit van Honthorst’s painting, “Adoration of the baby” effectively demonstrates the use of light symbolism. The painting depicts Mary, Joseph and two small children admiring the baby Jesus. These four figures surround the divinely lit baby, slightly illuminating his viewers. The birth of Christ had been prophesied for many years before his birth. In a cultural perspective, his birth represents the light of understanding, brought into a world of darkness and ignorance.
The painting effectively communicates depth with its placement of light. The shadows fall on the viewers, yet their faces are lit with admiration. The placement of light in this painting effectively sets a mood of reverence and religious worship.1

         1. Lester, Paul Martin. Visual Communication: Images with Messages (Belmont: Thompson Wadsworth, 2005), 9-13.

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